You’re Invited to My Blog-Warming!

Introducing...Cooking On the Side!

I’m excited to announce a new addition to my blogging life – meet Cooking On the Side! It’s my new food blog, just launched today.

Cooking On the Side is going to be devoted to those recipes that are printed on the bags and boxes of food staples we all have in our fridges, freezers and pantries. Some of these on-the-package recipes, like the one for the iconic Toll House Cookies, are tried and true favorites that families have made for decades.  But very often folks like myself ignore them altogether. One day recently I decided that it would be a fun project to start “revealing” some of these recipes on a blog. Some, like the Toll House cookies, might be hidden gems. Others might be…well…better left on the package. Either way, on-the-package recipes will finally get the spotlight!

Never fear, I’ll still be coming up with new, creative panini recipes on Panini Happy – it’s not going away. But on the days when I’m not firing up the grill, I hope you’ll join me over at Cooking On the Side for more fun in the kitchen.


KathyPanini Happy, online since 2008, is more than just a sandwich blog. Here, you'll find hundreds of my original panini recipes, my guide to choosing a panini press and a whole lot of other creative uses for the panini press.
~ Kathy Strahs
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All recipes, text and photographs on this site are the original creations and property of Panini Happy. Do not post or publish anything from this site without full credit and a direct link to the original post. E-mail me with any requests or questions.

Browse Panini

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  1. Sound like another great enterprise Kathy…good for you…you’re one busy lady:D

    Posted 3.25.09 Reply
  2. flssgrl wrote:

    Sounds great!
    Look forward to the recipes!

    flssgrl’s last blog post..I earned my Money!

    Posted 3.25.09 Reply
  3. Nicole wrote:

    Great for you Kathy! Wonderful job. You are an excellent blogger with a great following. How DO you manage all this with the little one?

    I can’t wait to see what comes up on the table of your new blog. I am having an “Open House” over at Art and Aioli! Would love to have you!

    Nicole’s last blog post..You’re Invited! An Open House Extravaganza + a Giveaway!

    Posted 3.26.09 Reply
  4. Karen wrote:

    Very cool, Kathy! I often clip those recipes for later but usually don’t get to them. Maybe you can help us sort through the ones worth trying!

    Karen’s last blog post..God’s Pets

    Posted 3.26.09 Reply
  5. This is a great idea! We see these recipes all the time on cocoa powder, marshmallows, flour, nuts, etc. It would take too long to list it. You will never be without a recipe!

    The Duo Dishes’s last blog post..We Told You So

    Posted 3.26.09 Reply
  6. Arlene wrote:

    Kathy, this is a great idea for a new blog. I have found that those recipes run about 50-50; some are incredible, others better left untried. I’ll be sure to visit.

    Arlene’s last blog post..LASAGNA OF EMILIA-ROMAGNA

    Posted 3.27.09 Reply
  7. Melissa wrote:

    What a fantastic idea! I love how you have blog themes. It makes you such a unique part of the food community.

    I’ll add it to my reader right now. 🙂

    Posted 3.27.09 Reply
  8. Lori wrote:

    What a very cool idea! I’m headed over to check it out right now.

    Lori’s last blog post..Links to a Healthy Weekend

    Posted 3.29.09 Reply
  9. Kim wrote:

    Congrats Kathy! Our taste buds are anxiously awaiting your blog!

    Posted 3.29.09 Reply
  10. Peter wrote:

    The whistles go ‘woo-woo.’
    This new blog will be hotter than Bubb Rubb and Lil’ Sis.

    Posted 4.6.09 Reply
  11. I found your blog…. blog hopping over from Pink Saturday! LOL…I love your new blog idea. I have a cookbook that is all about all the recipes thru the years on packages of sugar, flour, etc. And you are right …some are tried and true and some are best left on the package. ~ Lynn

    Lynn @theVintageNest’s last blog post..Hoppy Pink Saturday

    Posted 4.11.09 Reply