Someone on Twitter asked me the other day to help settle a debate, “Is a hot dog a sandwich?” I actually had to give that one a little thought. What really makes a sandwich a sandwich? Is it anything that incorporates some kind of filling between two pieces of bread? What’s the definition of “bread” anyway?
People have differing opinions on what constitutes a sandwich. As a sandwich blog, I thought it would be fun here on Panini Happy to determine once and for all which foods, in our collective opinion, are indeed sandwiches and which are not. I’ve got 5 food items for you to vote on below. I’ll close the voting this Friday, summarize and post the results next week. Majority rules!
Results images don’t work
Each question needs “I don’t know” – especially with something like piroshki – I really have no clue what that is.
Also, gyro in a pita should be on there.
Hmmm…they worked when I tested it in firefox but I’ll have some people test in other browsers for me. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll try to add an “I don’t know what this is option”, but for now if people don’t know what something is they can always just leave it blank.
Good question! This one required some thought. Many things do end up on the “sandwich” part of the menu, but are they there just because there is no where else to put them? hmmm….
Sandwiches must consist of a filling encased in BREAD. An open sandwich is bread with a topping. Anything else, without the bread, may be considered sandwiched – but a sandwich, NO! From England, where this noble invention originated…